Monday, April 18, 2011

Cath Is Done - David did great!

They've finished the heart cath and are getting David ready for recovery. We're waiting for the doc to come and discuss the pictures. They said all went great. Thank you for all the prayers! We'll let you know when we have results.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Bit Nervous...

Tomorrow is David's heart cath. It's the next step on the way to the 2nd surgery (the bidirectional Glenn, for those playing at home). It's a standard procedure that they do to make sure everything still looks good and they can proceed as planned with the surgery.

But I'm still nervous. It's not open-heart, but it's still a surgery. He still has to be put under. He still has to be on a ventilator. I can't stop my brain from going straight to worst-case-scenario every time I look at him. I won't list them all, it's actually really depressing. I guess that's why they invented Xanax, right? :-)

We have to be @ Kosair @ 6:15 (EST) tomorrow. He should be out of surgery and in recovery about 10:30 or 11. The nurse said that if all goes well (he comes out of sedation and off the breathing tube with no problems, and keeps food down) we can hopefully be out of there by 5 or 6. We'll post updates as the day progresses and we get news.

We are calling on our "prayer warriors" for tomorrow. We can feel your good thoughts and appreciate each and every one.

1:30 AM is coming up quickly, so until tomorrow, good night!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Heartbroken for Khloe

I was totally ready to write a blog about David and his progress. But tonight my heart is full of hurt.

There is a family from Drew's home-church (Louisville 1st CP) that had a baby girl last week. Her name is Khloe Marie Kyle. Tonya and Larry (mom and dad) knew ahead of time that she would have some heart troubles. When she was born, they found out that she also had some lung issues. They planned to have a surgery to help her lungs and wait for a donor heart to become available for a transplant. However, after speaking with the doctors, Khloe's family decided not to do the surgery, and she was taken off life-support this afternoon. My heart is aching for this family. Even with all of David's issues, I still cannot even begin to fathom what the family is going through.

So tonight, instead of a rambling from me, all I have on my heart is this prayer:

Lord, I thank you and praise you for this day. But I come to you now with a heavy heart. Please bless sweet baby Khloe, Tonya, Larry, and the family. I ask for your grace and love to be upon them in their time of such great need. Be with them and comfort them. Wrap them in your arms and pour out your mercy on them. Help them to feel your presence and peace. It is in your holy and precious name I pray. Amen.