Sunday, January 2, 2011

I'm Too Sexy for this Onesie!

Today was an extremely great day for both David and us but before we get into all that let's just take a moment and marvel at the cuteness and awesomeness that is David Allen Hayes.....

Still a little bit more time....

Ok, feel free to scroll back up and enjoy the cuteness whenever you want but we probably should go on because I feel some sleepiness coming on soon. So I woke up super early (for me) to head back down to Bowling Green and Mt. Olivet to preach and be with our church family there. Mom was kind enough to go with me to spend some good quality time with me. I have to admit I was terribly conflicted because I wanted/needed to preach but I was so worried that something would happen to Cole or David and I would be too far away. Thankfully that didn't happen and preaching and worshiping with Mt. Olivet was such a healing process for me. The hugs and love made me realize not just how much we are loved but that we are not alone. In fact that has been the beautiful thing about this blog, Team David, and Facebook, we realize how not alone we are, that there are other people that love us and David and are praying for the 3 of us. After preaching I packed up some stuff and started heading home but the most important part of the story is that Nicole got to see David get his pacemaker wires and his two IV's pulled today!!! Then only things he has left is his NG Tube, PICC Line, Leads, and Oximeter which while not that sounds like a lot compared to where he was at it feels like he really doesn't have anything. He even got to wear clothes today!!! That is amazingly exciting for us because it just gives him a different character and he really seemed to be more comfortable in clothes which made us happy to see. He is only allowed to wear certain types but we are excited to see what he is going to be wearing tomorrow. David ate well and slept well and probably a bigger moment than all that was that both grandma's or Noni (Lynn/Drew's mom) and Gigi (Tina/Nicole's Mom) got to hold him today. It was awesome to see the people who love, care, and raised us holding our son and loving on him. If you can't tell by the pictures it seemed to make their day too!

So if David continues to eat well he will continue to get things taken out slowly but surely and hopefully within the month he will be in the back seat of the Taurus driving really, really slowly back to Bowling Green which is exciting to think about.

We also had the chance to tell our story to two families that have boys that are having the same surgery that David and his friend Zooey had. Please pray for Jonathon who is having surgery on Monday (Jan. 3) and Noah and his surgery on Tuesday (the 4th) as they continue on the stressful journey. It was nice to talk with them and try to give them some information about what to expect and to have some laughs because you can't go through this without laughing some in some places.

Last but certainly not least wasn't Nicole amazing yesterday?! I mean I personally feel she is a much better writer than I am and she has always been my grammar checker. If it wasn't for her I'd been kicked out of MTS! But in all seriousness, I never had any doubt that Nicole would be an amazing mom and she has not disappointed. Her strength and courage in facing this really hard experience has lifted me up. Without a doubt we are carrying each other through this and letting God carry the both of us. She is flat out an amazing woman, daughter, wife and mother who I fall more and more in love with everyday...even if she doesn't want to be my friend anymore.

Once again thank you all for all the love and support, as we are getting more and more outside the Kozair/NICU/PICU bubble we have lived in we are experiencing the love, prayers, and comfort that you all have provided. Thank you so much.


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